Transform a React Application into a Progressive Web App (PWA)培训
React and JavaScript Libraries
Processes used in JavaScript libraries to develop web applications
Overview of the Web Application Development Cycle
Native applications versus progressive applications
Javascript logic, CSS templates, and HTML templates
React Goes Native with Progressive Web Apps
Backward compatibility
Feature parity
Progressive Web Apps and Push Notifications
Push API
Notification API
Preparing the Development Environment
Installing and configuring Node.Js
Installing and configuring NPM
Programming and Optimizing the React Application
Creating a new boilerplate React application
Installing dom routers to navigate and save in the React application
Coding a todo list
Updating the default styles
Registering Service Worker
Configuring Icons and Push Notifications
Creating and styling push notification
Creating and styling icons
Deploying the Application
Runnng the React application on a mobile simulator or on a mobile device
Testing the Application
Proof checking the React application with Lighthouse to determine if it meets the PWA standard
Summary and Conclusion