Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart培训
Flutter vs other cross-platform frameworks
Overview of Flutter features and architecture
Getting Started
Installing Flutter
Setting up the code editor (Android Studio)
Understanding Dart functions
Creating Flutter Apps From Scratch
Creating a Flutter project
Building app layouts with Material components
Adding assets and images
Running and Testing Apps
Deploying apps to Android devices
Deploying apps to iOS devices (iPhone or iPad)
Building UIs with Flutter Widgets (MiCard Project)
Creating a MiCard app starter project
Using Hot Reload and Hot Restart tools
Using column and row widgets
Tapping into widget properties
Adding custom fonts
Adding the Icon Widget
Adding Flutter Card and ListTile widgets
Building a Stateful App (Dice Project)
Using the Expanded widget for flexible layouts
Using intention actions
Detecting user interaction with buttons
Making the images change
Understanding Dart variables and data types
Stateful vs Stateless widgets
Building a Decision-Making App (Magic 8 Ball Project)
Setting up the project
Creating a Stateless widget
Creating a Stateful widget
Adding interactivity and randomizing actions
Using Flutter and Dart Packages to Speed Up Development (Xylophone Project)
Creating a simple musical instrument app
Playing sounds across platforms
Playing multiple sounds
Refactoring and cleaning up code
Customizing the app
Organizing Flutter Code (Quizzler Project)
Building a score keeper
Displaying questions and checking answers
Implementing abstraction
Implementing encapsulation
Implementing inheritance
Implementing polymorphism
Creating an Adventure Game App (Destini)
Setting up the project
Adding an image as background
Creating a story class
Creating a story brain
Displaying the story in the app
Displaying the choices in the app
Updating the story based on user choice
Using the story plan
Restarting the game
Renaming and refactoring using Android Studio
Hiding buttons
Building the UI with Intermediate Dart (BMI Calculator)
Using Flutter themes
Refactoring Flutter widgets
Creating custom Flutter widgets
Using the GestureDetector widget
Using the Flutter slider widget
Customizing widgets using themes
Building Flutter widgets from scratch
Creating multi-screen apps using routes and navigation
Designing the result screen
Creating the calculator model and string manipulation
Building Apps Powered by Live Web Data (Clima)
Capturing location data across platforms
Implementing stateful widget lifecycle methods
Implementing async/await
Networking in Flutter apps with the HTTP package
JSON parsing and dynamic types
Fetching weather data from OpenWeatherMap API
Showing a spinner
Passing data to a state object
Updating the weather with the WeatherModel
Refactoring location methods
Creating and styling text widgets
Passing data through the navigation stack
Building a Cryptocurrency Price Tracker App (Bitcoin Ticker Project)
Adding Material DropdownButton widgets
Building widgets with Loops
Introducing Cupertino widgets
Building platform-specific UIs (iOS and Android)
Building a Chat Application with Firebase Cloud Firestore (Flash Chat Project)
Implementing name routes
Refactoring routes
Adding Flutter hero animations
Customizing Flutter animations
Using prepackaged Flutter animations
Refactoring code
Creating a Firebase project
Setting up Android Firebase
Setting up iOS Firebase
Setting up Firebase packages
Registering users with Firebase
Authenticating users with Firebase
Showing a spinner
Saving data into Cloud Firestore
Using streams to listen for Data from Firebase
Using Streambuilder to turn streams into widgets
Using the Flutter ListView
Using different UI for different senders
Configuring Cloud Firestore security
Managing Flutter State (Todoey Project)
Creating a To-Do list app
Using the BottomSheet Widget
Working with callbacks in Dart
Introducing the provide package
Using a Provider and a ChangeNotifier
Adding To-Do list tasks
Checking off tasks
Deleting tasks
Programming Tips and Best Practices
Summary and Conclusion