课程目录:Blockchain Development with Coinbase培训
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Understanding the Blockchain Technology

Understanding Distributed Ledgers
What is Blockchain?
Understanding How Blockchain Networks Work
Understanding the Benefits of Blockchain
Overview of Blockchain Use Cases
Understanding the Foundations of Blockchain Technology

Symmetric Information
Historical Integrity
Extensible Security
Democratic Authenticity
Decentralization and Fault Tolerance
Overview of Coinbase

Using the Coinbase Digital API

Overview of the Coinbase Digital API
Using Client Libraries
Using API Key Authentication
Configuring Permissions
Setting Up Notifications
Using Multisig API
Understanding Error Codes
Using OAuth2 (Coinbase Connect)

Overview of the OAuth2 Protocol
Integrating Your Web Application with Coinbase Connect
Mobile Integration with Coinbase Connect
Setting Up OAuth2 Permissions
Setting Up OAuth2 Two Factor Authentication
Using Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens
Best Practices in Security with OAuth2
Coding a Bitcoin Wallet

Authenticating with the Coinbase API
Installing the Coinbase API Client
Creating a Bitcoin Wallet
Sending Bitcoin Programmatically
Retrieving Data from Your Bitcoin Wallet
Sending and Receiving Bitcoin Using Your Coinbase Wallets

Receiving Funds by Generating Bitcoin Addresses
Sending Funds from Coinbase Wallet to a Bitcoin Address or Email
Requesting Funds
Facilitating Free Transactions
Buying and Selling Bitcoin Using the Coinbase API

Retrieving Real-Time Bitcoin Price Data Using Coinbase API

Using Coinbase Buy Widget to Embed Coinbase Buy Functionality into Your Website and Applications

Using the GDAX API


Summary and Conclusion