课程目录:Tableau Fundamentals to Advanced培训
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Setting up Tableau

Overview of Tableau Features and Architecture

Navigating the Tableau User Interface

Connecting to your data

Organizing, Filtering, Sorting & Grouping

Organizing your data
Slicing your data by date
Simplifying and sorting your data
Advanced options for filtering and hiding
Understanding many options for ordering and grouping your data
Sort, Groups, Bins, Sets
Interrelation between all options
Working with Data in Tableau

Using multiple measures in a view
Showing the relationship between numerical values
Viewing specific values
Customizing your data
Dimension vs Measure
Data types, discrete versus continuous for measure
Joining database sources
Inner, outer, left, right join
Blending different datasources in a single worksheet
Working with extracts instead of live connections
Data quality problems
Metadata and sharing a connection
Calculations on Data and Statistics

Row-level calculations
Aggregate calculations
Arithmetic, string, date calculations
Custom aggregations and calculated fields
Control-flow calculations
What is behind the scene
Advanced statistics
Working with dates and times
Analyzing Data with Table Calculations

Quick table calculations
Scope and direction
Addressing and partitioning
Advanced table calculations
Advanced Geo techniques

Building basic maps
Geographic fields, map options
Mapping data geographically
Customizing a geographic view
Web Map Service (WMS)
Visualizing non geographical data with background images
Mapping tips
Distance calculations
Parameters in tableau

Creating parameters
Parameters in calculated fields
Parameter control options
Enhancing analysis and visualizations with parameters
Building Basic and Advanced Visualizations

Cross tabs
Geographic maps, heat maps and tree maps
Pie charts and bar charts
Date and time visualizations and gantt charts
Stacked bars and area charts
KPI charts and pareto charts
Dual axis and combined charts with different mark types
Highlight tables
Scatter Plots
Bar chart variations - bullet charts, bar-in-bar
Advanced formattting

Highlighting data with reference lines
Telling a Data Story with Dashboards

Dashboard framework
Filter actions
Highlight actions
URL actions
Cascading filters
Trends and Forecasting

Understanding and customizing trend lines
Integrating Tableau and R for advanced data analytics

Possibility to include different data analytics methods in R on participants request

Summary and Conclusion