Introduction to ROS-Industrial (ROS-I)
Overview of ROS-I Features and Architecture
Installing and Configuring ROS-I
Setting Up the ROS-I Development Environment
Overview of Unified Robot Description Formats (URDFs) on ROS-I
Using Interface Libraries (Drivers) on ROS-I
Tracking Coordinate Frames on ROS-I Using TF
Motion Planning on ROS-I
MoveIt! Application
Creating a Simple MoveIt! Application
Setting Up a New Robot with ROS-I
Creating and Verifying a URDF
Creating and Updating a MoveIt! Package for ROS-I
Testing on ROS-I Simulator
Working with Descartes on ROS-I
Descartes Architecture
Descartes for Robotic Routing
Descartes for Robotic Blending
Trajectory Points on Descartes
Overview of Descartes Path Planning
Creating a Simple Descartes Application
Working with Perception on ROS-I
Camera Calibration
Working with 3D Cameras and 3D Data
Overview of Perception Processing Pipeline
Perception Tools
Creating a Simple Perception Application
Performing Path Planning on ROS-I
Building a Perception Pipeline on ROS-I
Summary and Conclusion