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          JavaScript简介培训




Module 1: Introduction to JavaScriptJavaScript, HTML and CSS
JavaScript overview
Your first HTML/CSS/JS page
Variables, values, functions, operators, and expressions
Simple JavaScript examples to play with
Module 2: Adding interactivity to HTMLConditional statements, loops and logical operators
Functions and callbacks
Handling events
Let's write a small game
Module 3: Playing with HTML5APIs Arrays and iterators
HTML5 multimedia and JavaScript API
Displaying a map with the Geolocation API
Playing sound samples and music
Module 4: Structuring dataObjects, properties and methods
Creating multiple objects
Organizing the code in separate files
Improving the game with ES6 classes
Module 5: Working with formsBuilt-in JavaScript objects
HTML5 tables, forms and input fields
The JSON notation
Let's create a small application