Performance Testing with LoadRunner培训
Testing Introduction
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - Stages
Various Methodologies in SLDC (Agile, waterfall etc)
Functional Testing (Manual/Automation)
Various testing's as part of SDLC (Unit Testing, IST, UAT etc)
Performance testing and its importance
Performance Testing Concepts
Introduction to Performance Testing
Various tools available in the market
Performance testing Life Cycle
Scripting, Execution, Analysis
Environment set up
Test strategy/Plan
POC (Proof of Concept)
Requirements gathering
Understanding of various performance tests.
Capacity Planning test
Benchmark Test
Fail-over/Fail-back Test
Stress Test
Duration/Endurance Test
Load Test
Introduction to LoadRunner
Scripting, Execution, Analysis in Load Runner
Scripting using LR VuGen using various protocols
Understanding of Winsock, Java vUser and webservices
Web (Click & Script)
Parameterization and various options under it
Correlation (Manual/Automatic)
Customized loops/code in scripting
Execution using LR Controller
Understanding of Load Generators
Run time settings
Manual/Goal-oriented scenario
Ramp-up, Constant Duration, Ramp-down
Analysis using LR Analyzer
Merged graphs