课程目录:Apache Maven培训
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       Apache Maven培训



This course is a sequence of theory and hands on practice. A multimodule project is developed throughout the session and all the introduced concepts are apprehended by the graduates.

Introducing Maven
Why Maven o Maven’s objectives
Key features
Comparing Maven and Ant
Eclipse IDE and Maven installation
Getting started
Project specification
Creating the first modules
Project directory structure
First concepts
Project coordinates
Maven repository
Build Lifecycle, plugins and goals
Clean lifecycle
Default lifecycle
Site lifecycle
Package specific lifecycles
Common lifecycle goals
Site generation
Building a project site
Customizing the site descriptor
Site directory structure
Project documentation
Unit test and reports (Surefire Report Plugin)
Using JUnit
Maven's Dependency mechanism
Dependency Scope
Viewing Dependencies
Transitive Dependencies
Conflict resolution
Dependency management
Maven properties
Project Properties
Settings properties
Environment variable properties
User defined properties
Resource filtering
Build profiles
Build portability
Override a POM
Profile activation
External profiles
Settings profiles
More about the POM
POM Inheritance
Multimodule projects
POM Best practices
Repository management
Nexus and the enterprise Repository
Using Nexus
Configuring Maven for Nexus
Nexus configuration
Repository operations