课程目录:Progressive Web Apps (PWA)培训
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Convergence of web and mobile
Reasons for Developing Progressive Web Apps

speed and performance (compared to websites)
offline capabilities
push notifications
improved bounce rates
app-like feel and functionality
bypassing of App Stores
Enabling Your Website

secure HTTPS connection
JSON Manifest
Service Worker
Building Your First Progressive Web App (PWA)

Using Service Workers to Enable Your App to Work Offline

Caching data
Serving push notifications
Updating content
Data manipulation
Event Listeners and Commands

Customizing responses to network requests depending on whether online/offline status
Data persistence and messaging
Accessing Cache API, Fetch API, IndexedDB API, postMessage(), etc.
Increasing user engagement through Notification API
Using Cached Assets in Your Application

Configuring Web App Manifest

Adding the app to the Home Screen
Application Shell Architecture

UI Considerations

Troubleshooting the PWA

Deploying the PWA to an App Store

Summary and Conclusion