课程目录:HTTP Web Server (Nginx, Apache, JBoss)培训
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Section 1: Nginx (Day 1 duration 1.5 Days)
Module 1: Installing Nginx and Third-Party Modules
Installing Nginx using a package manager
Configuring for web
Configure the options to specify paths
Table: HTTP configure options
Enabling various modules
Table: HTTP module configure options
Disabling unused modules
Table: Disable configure options
Installing third-party modules
Module 2: A Configuration Guide
The basic configuration format
Nginx global configuration parameters
Table: Global configuration directives
Using include files
The HTTP server section Client directives, File I/O directives, Hash directives, Socket directives
The virtual server section
Configuring Locations – where, when, and how
Module 3: Nginx as a Reverse Proxy
The proxy module
Proxy module directives
The upstream module: Keepalive connections and Load-balancing algorithms
Types of upstream servers: Single upstream server, Multiple upstream servers, Non-HTTP upstream servers
How to handle upstream problems
Module 4: Reverse Proxy Advanced Topics
Introduction to Security
Encrypting traffic with SSL
Authenticating clients using SSL
Blocking traffic based on originating IP address
Isolating application components for scalability
Reverse proxy performance tuning: Buffering, Caching, Compressing
Module 5. The Nginx HTTP Server
HTTP server directives
HTTP logging directives
HTTP file-path directives
Name resolution directives
HTTP client interaction directives
HTTP limits directives
HTTP access module directives
HTTP streaming directives
Module 6. Nginx Load Balancing
About Load Balancing
Setting up the environment
Using the Upstream Module
Using the right directives (Weight, Hash, Max Fails, etc.)
Testing your configuration
Module 7: Troubleshooting Techniques
Analyzing log files
Configuring advanced logging
Common configuration errors
Performance problems
Using the Stub Status module
Section 2: Apache (Day 2 duration 1 day)
Module 1. Installation
Installing Apache
Apache starting, stopping and Apache restarting
Apache uninstalling
Finding Apache’s files location
Module 2. Adding Common Modules
Installing a Generic installation modules
Installing Unix mod_dav
Installing mod_perl
Installing Unix mod_php
Installing mod_ssl SSL (Secure Socket Layers)
Finding Modules Using modules.apache.org
Installing mod_security
Module 3. Logging
Getting more logs entries and Details
Logs rotating
Module 4. Virtual Hosts
Setting Up Name-Based Virtual Hosts
Setting Up address-based virtual hosts
Module 5. Aliases, Redirecting, and Rewriting
Mapping a URL to a Directory
Creating a New URL for Existing Content
Giving URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) users having own URLs Users Their Own URLs
Redirecting to another location
Redirecting Several URLs to the same Destination
Rewriting elements between path and query string
Turning URL Segments into query arguments
Module 6. SSL
Installing SSL
Generating self-signed SSL certificates
Generating a trusted CA
Serving a portion of site via SSL
Authenticating with Client certificates
Module 7. Dynamic Content
Enabling a CGI Directory
Enabling CGI Scripts in Non-ScriptAliased Directories
Specifying a Default Document in a CGI Directory
Enabling and using WebDAV
Complex Configurations and the security Issues with WebDAV
Section 3: Java Virtual Machine (Day 3 duration 0.5 days)
Tuning the Java Virtual Machine
Choosing the JVM settings

Sizing the garbage collector generations
Where to configure JVM settings
When you cannot allocate enough memory for the JVM
The correct amount of memory to grant your application
Setting the correct heap size
The correct ratio between the young and old generations

The garbage collector algorithms
Choosing the right garbage collector for your application
The G1 garbage collector
Debugging garbage collection
Making good use of the memory
Handling 'Out of Memory' errors
Finding the memory leak in your code
Section 4: Java Web
Introduction to Java Web technologies

What is a Servlet and when to use
Introduction to JSP
Servlet versus JSP
What is a JavaBean
Introduction to JEE
The role of EJB (Session Beans, Entity Beans, MDB Beans) in an enterprise application
The MVC pattern
- The role of the Model
- The role of the View
- The role of the Controller
Section 5: Multimedia content and HTML 5
HTML 5 Audio and Video elements
Different streaming protocols
- Internet Protocol television (IPTV)
- HTTP Live Streaming
Server implementations
The role of OTT streaming
Section 6: JBoss (Day 4 duration 1 day)
Module 1: Installing Core Components
Installing the Java environment
Installing JBoss AS
Application server features
Creating a custom server configuration
Module 2: Customizing JBoss AS Services
How to monitor JBoss AS services
JBoss AS thread pool
Configuring logging services
Configuring the connection to the database
Configuring the transaction service
Module 3. Deploying EJB 3 Session Beans
Developing Enterprise JavaBeans
Configuring the EJB container
Module 4: Deploying a Web Application
Developing web layout
Configuring JBoss Web Server
Module 5: Deploying Applications with JBoss Messaging Service
The new JBoss Messaging system
Developing JMS applications
Advanced JBoss Messaging
Module 6: Managing JBoss AS
Introducing Java Management Extension
JBoss AS Administration Console
Managing applications
Administering resources
Module 7. JBoss Drools - Introduction
Getting the software
Installing the BRMS/Guvnor
Installing the Drools plug-in
Module 8. Using the Guvnor
General Navigation
Administration (Rules, Packages, Deployment)
Building a Guided Rules with the Guvnor
From Guvnor to JBoss IDE
Testing your Rules