课程目录:Agile Software Testing培训
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Where the requirements come from?
Traditional Business Analysis
Use Cases, Scenarios and Tests
Non functional requirements
UML in Business Analysis
Introduction to testing
Functional Tests
Regression Test
UAT Tests
Unit Tests
Usability Tests
Non Functional Tests
Performance test
Load test
Stress test
Soak test
Test or not to test
Who is making decisions about what to test?
The cost of testing irrelevant things
Calculating ROI (what if something fails analysis)
The role of Test Manager
The process of Testing
Testing is a process and a strategy
Identifying testing needs
Gathering requirements (use cases, user stories)
Scoping (choosing and prioritize scenarios)
Designing tests
Preparing data
Preparing environment
Creating or Recording tests
Perform the test
Analysis and reports
Conclusions and improvement
When to say "stop"
Product owner and Tests
The customer representative and test priority
Prioritizing tests
Writing effective stories for UAT
Acceptance criteria
Group exercise to produce customer requirements and write stories based on the requirements and create tests
The sprint
Sprint backlog and tests user stories
Group exercise to plan a sprint
Finishing a sprint
Scrum review meeting is a test
Is Agile and Scrum for you?
Review of the Scrum process
Comparison with other methodologies
Benefits of pair programming
Question and Answers Session