课程目录:Advanced TypeScript培训
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Overview of TypeScript features and advantages
Programming best practices and tips
Getting Started

Installing TypeScript, Nodejs, and Visual Studio
Initializing the server
Configuring access modifiers and compiler options
Setting up a Node.js project
Building and debugging Node.js TypeScript
Configuring Webpack and TypeScript

Enabling source maps
Using third-party libraries
Importing non-code assets
Building the application
Creating Custom Data Types

Union, Intersection, and Tuple Types
Type Guards, Type Casting, and Type Assertions
Creating arrays for custom types
Other types and examples
Applying Decorators

Enabling decorators
Creating class, parameter, and method decorators
Using property descriptors
Implementing Asynchronous Code and APIs

Using callbacks, promises, and async/await
Writing a REST API with Node.js and TypeScript
Testing APIs with Postman
Deploying Applications

Building production-ready applications
Deploying TypeScript apps with Docker
Deploying apps to AWS EC2 and Heroku

Summary and Next Steps