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Parallel Programming

We motivate parallel programming

and introduce the basic constructs for building parallel programs

on JVM and Scala. Examples such as array norm

and Monte Carlo computations illustrate these concepts.

We show how to estimate work and depth

of parallel programs as well as how to benchmark

the implementations.Basic Task Parallel Algorithms

We continue with examples of parallel algorithms by presenting a parallel merge sort.

We then explain how operations such as map, reduce, and scan can be computed in parallel.

We present associativity as the key condition enabling parallel implementation of reduce and scan.

Data-ParallelismWe show how data parallel operations enable the development

of elegant data-parallel code in Scala. We give an overview

of the parallel collections hierarchy, including the traits

of splitters and combiners that complement iterators and builders from the sequential case.

Data Structures for Parallel ComputingWe give a glimpse

of the internals of data structures for parallel computing, which helps

us understand what is happening under the hood of parallel collections.